I can’t help but feel as if there is some force pulling towards wreck… 3 days before the year mark that I was already dreading, a 18-wheeler truck got into our lane, smashed my wheelchair accessible ride and took off…

I guess getting in another accident doesn't cancel out the original injury…I thought maybe I could be like Joe from Family Guy who falls off the roof and regains function of his legs for an episode;)
This past year has been constant rehabilitation and hard work. I have been challenged both physically and spiritually and I am working hard to trust that everything is going to work out. Trusting myself to heal my injured spinal cord is testing my faith to the max.
“Sana sana sana
Culito de rana
Si no sana hoy sanara manana”
That's just a cute saying a friend told me which basically says, if it doesn't heal today, it will heal tomorrow.
I’m constantly reminded that without a positive attitude it is so much more difficult to move in a positive direction.
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